Litog[rafia] Nueva, C[all]e Caballero de Gracia 22 y Cedaceros 10, Madrid
Book/ Album / Dossier:
Album de las tropas carlistas del Norte
Format date:
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Physical description:
1 16 x 22 cm engraving on a 23 x 31 cm page
Legend: in late 1835 the Count of Eguia was named General in Chief and the army was given a new organisation. Numbering of the engraving in the album: plate. 15. The year of the subject matches the year of his appointment.
History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840) Objects-Uniforms Trades-Soldiers
Materia personajes:
Eguia - Conde de Casa Eguia y Sanz de Buruaga, Nazario de