Imprenta del Panorama Español, plazuela de Santa Catalina de los Donados, Madrid
Book/ Album / Dossier:
Panorama español, cronica contemporanea. Obra pintoresca [...] destinada a esponer todos los acontecimientos politicos desde octubre de 1832 hasta nuestros dias; con los retratos de los personajes que han figurado durante la revolucion [...] y las principales acciones y escaramuzas de la Guerra Civil...
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Physical description:
1 13 x 20 cm engraving on a 18 x 26 cm page
There is a damp stain on the bottom right-hand edge On the 1st of January, in Madrid, "[...] the governing Queen [...] appeared on horseback, accompanied by Field Marshall José Pacheco y Benavides [...]. H.M. went along the line until she reached its left [...]" the Commanders read out their document and "received [...] the military crosses of Isabel II" to place them on the soldiers
History- Historical events History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840) Trades-Soldiers