Imprenta del Panorama Español, plazuela de Santa Catalina de los Donados, Madrid
Book/ Album / Dossier:
Panorama español, cronica contemporanea. Obra pintoresca [...] destinada a esponer todos los acontecimientos politicos desde octubre de 1832 hasta nuestros dias; con los retratos de los personajes que han figurado durante la revolucion [...] y las principales acciones y escaramuzas de la Guerra Civil...
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Physical description:
1 10 x 12 cm engraving on a 26 x 18 cm page
Autographed. "As the third battalion of the [carlistas] rebels in Navarre was in Cirauqui, the boats that were on the river Aragon were ordered to be sunk [by the liberals] to stop them getting through. An officer and various soldiers were commissioned to carry out that order [...]"
Communications-Means of transport-Vessels History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840) Trades-Soldiers Natural landscape-Rivers