Imprenta del Panorama Español, plazuela de Santa Catalina de los Donados, Madrid
Book/ Album / Dossier:
Panorama español, cronica contemporanea. Obra pintoresca [...] destinada a esponer todos los acontecimientos politicos desde octubre de 1832 hasta nuestros dias; con los retratos de los personajes que han figurado durante la revolucion [...] y las principales acciones y escaramuzas de la Guerra Civil...
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Physical description:
1 13 x 22 cm engraving on a 18 x 26 cm page
There is a damp stain on the top left-hand edge. Autographed. General Latre and Espartero were advancing towards Bilbao when they clashed with the carlists on the bridge at Burceña. Espartero advanced towards Castrejana where he received support from Castañeda and Buerens for the clash
Science and Technology-Weapons Communications-Routes-Bridges History-Wars-Battles History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840) Trades-Soldiers