Antonio Cánovas del Castillo’s murder (8th of August 1897)
Document number:
Ginés, V.
Miguel Seguí - Editor, Barcelona
Book/ Album / Dossier:
Historia de España en el siglo XIX : sucesos políticos, económicos, sociales y artísticos, acaecidos durante el mismo : detallada narración de sus acontecimientos y extenso juicio crítico de sus hombres
Format date:
Topic date:
Physical description:
1 16 x 22 cm engraving on a 18 x 26 cm page; col
Author of the book: Francisco Pi y Margall (posthumous work) and Francisco Pi y Arsuaga. Illustrated by J. Passos, J. Cuchy and V. Gine. Autographed. "Shortly before 1 o’clock in the afternoon, as Mr Cánovas was sitting on a bench in the corridor of the hotel, reading the newspapers, a stranger went up to him, and without uttering a single word fired three shots at him from a revolver that he was carrying just in case
Art and Architecture-Civil buildings-Spas Science and Technology-Weapons Leisure-Clothing Trades-Politicians