Imprenta de Ignacio [R]amon [B]aroja, San Sebastián
Book/ Album / Dossier:
Guia-Album del viagero en la provincia de Guipuzcoa
Format date:
Physical description:
1 11 x 14 cm engraving on a 15 x 21 cm page
"Translated into Spanish by M. Latasa. Illustrated with a large number of views and a lovely map L. Laurent". Author, Th. Mercier. The edition in French from the same year is in the Koldo Mitxelena collection (C-124 F-16). "Zarauz is a lovely small town located on the seashore asentado near a beach...The Corral or Narros palace stands out here".
Art and Architecture-Civil buildings-Palaces Communications-Routes-Paths Natural landscape-Beaches Urban landscape-Villages