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Plan of the port of Pasages, whose mouth is located on latitude N. 43º 20' 10'' and longitude 4º 21' 30'' to the E. of Cadiz [sic]
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Plan of the town and vicinity of Bilbao : shewing the positions occupied by the besiegers, during the siege of Octr. 23d - Decr. 25th 1836
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[Plan of the positions of the Carlist and liberal troops in the Action on Arquijas bridge]
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Siege of St. Sebastian by the allies under Wellington from June to September 1813
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Plan de Saint Sebastian concerning the defence of this town by the French in 1813
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Plan of the battles of Mendaza and Arquijas that took place on the 12th and 15th of December 1834
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Attack of St. Sebastian, between 11th. July & 9th. Sept[embe]r 1813
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