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Royal journey, the : Pamplona, visited by Their Royal Highnesses on the 25th and 26th of September: a mayor from Aezcoa
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Royal journey, the : Vitoria, visited by Their Royal Highnesses on the 26th of September: military review: the parade marches past their Royal Highnesses in the Calle de la Estación
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Rafael Echagüe y Bermingham, Count del Serrallo, Commnder of the Royal Corps of Halberdiers: born in San Sebastián in 1815, he died in Madrid, on the 23rd of November this year
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Bilbao: the Ministers of the Navy and Development lay the first stone of the shipyard on the 22nd of September
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Bilbao: the Ministers of the Navy and Development lay the first stone of the shipyard on the 22nd of September
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Bilbao: the Ministers of the Navy and Development lay the first stone of the shipyard on the 22nd of September
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