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Saint-Sébastien : le palais de Miramar, résidence actuelle de S. M. la reine d'Espagne = Miramar palace, current residence of HM the Queen of Spain
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Storming the town & castle of St. Sebastian in Spain, sep[tembe]r 1813, dedicated to General Sir Thomas Graham, Bart. K.B. &c. and to the officers employed in that ever memorable seige, by their devoted humble servant Edw[ar]d Orme
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Plan of the fortress of St. Sebastian, Shewing the Attack carried on by the British and Portuguese in 1813, with the Country around connected with the Operations : siege commenced July 11th. Town carried by assault 31st Aug[]st and Castle surrendered 9th. Sept[]r.
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St. Sebastien : main town in the region of Guipuscoa [sic] in the province of Biscay, sea port and fortified town, besieged and attacked in July 1719 by the King’s army, commanded by Marshall the Duke of Barwick and taken in the following month of the same year
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View of St. Sebastien : on the 9th of April 1823 the garrison, having made a sortie, was overwhelmed and driven back into the town by G[]al. Bourke’s division
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