Search results: Art and Architecture-Civil buildings-Factories
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"La Guipuzcoana" paper mill, visited by Alfonso XII on the 11th of this month: room for preparing adhesives
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"La Guipuzcoana" paper mill, visited by Alfonso XII on the 11th of this month: main room with the paper-making machine
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"La Guipuzcoana" paper mill, visited by Alfonso XII on the 11th of this month: sizing room
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Royal journey, the : Tolosa (Guipúzcoa): arch, formed by berets, that decorated Mr. Elósegui’s factory gate
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Royal journey, the : Bilbao: visit by H.M. the Queen Regent to the Orconera mine, run by the "Orconera Iron Ore Cº Limited" and to the Del Carmen factory in Baracaldo run by the "Blast Furnace Company", on the 17th of September
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Royal journey, the : Bilbao: visit by H.M. the Queen Regent to the Orconera mine, run by the "Orconera Iron Ore Cº Limited" and to the Del Carmen factory in Baracaldo run by the "Blast Furnace Company", on the 17th of September
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Royal journey, the : Bilbao estuary: details of the illuminations set up in honour of H.M. the Queen regent, on the night of the 12th of September
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Bilbao: general view of the "Vizcaya" company factory, visited by H.M. the Queen regent on the 18th of September
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Bilbao: exterior of the "San Francisco" factory, visited by H.M. the Queen regent on the 18th of September this year
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Ontón (Bilbao) : automatic underwater wharf, to exploit the mining deposits: (original project by the architect M. Alberto de Palacio, from Bilbao)
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Nervion shipyards (Bilbao), the : cruiser, "Infanta María Teresa", under construction
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Nervion shipyards (Bilbao), the : view of the three slipways in the shipyard
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