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Bilbao – New San Francisco iron bridge, over the estuary, on the site of the old suspension bridge
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Mining industry in Vizcaya : Somorrostro: view of the large deposits in La Orconera and new town of La Orconera
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Mining industry in Vizcaya: Bilbao estuary: the "Franco-Belgian company" and the "Orconera Company" loading platforms in Luchana
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Mining industry in Vizcaya: Bilbao estuary: the "Franco-Belgian company" and the "Orconera Company" loading platforms in Luchana
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Mining industry in Vizcaya: Bilbao estuary: the "Franco-Belgian company" and the "Orconera Company" loading platforms in Luchana
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Mining industry in Vizcaya: Bilbao estuary: the "Franco-Belgian Company" and the "Orconera Company" platforms in Luchana
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Mining industry in Vizcaya: Bilbao estuary: the "Franco-Belgian Company" and the "Orconera Company" platforms in Luchana
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