Sociedad tipografica de Hortelano y compañia, Pasadizo San Gines, Madrid
Book / Album /Dossier:
Galería militar contemporánea, colección de biografías y retratos de los Generales que más celebridad han conseguido en los ejércitos liberal y carlista, durante la última guerra civil, con una descripción particular y detallada de las campañas del norte y Cataluña
Date Ilustration format :
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Physical description:
1 9 x 11 cm engraving on a 23 x 15 cm page
Bilbao, in the hands of the liberals, was attacked by the Carlists. In view of the difficulties of taking the convent, S. Miguel ordered them to set fire to it. "They intrepidly and boldly charged at the building: they scorned the intense enemy fire, and managed through courage and intelligence to set fire to the convent..."
Art and Architecture-Religious buildings-Convents History-Wars-Battles History-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840) Trades-Soldiers